
Create and store customer Contacts once a QR code is scanned. Capture customer consent and programmatically send communications via text or email!

As QR Codes are typically scanned by people, it can be helpful to capture information about individuals scanning specific QR Codes. Openscreen provides the native ability to store Contact objects.

Developers may want to have a QR Code direct a user to a form to fill out information for marketing purposes. Openscreen’s Contact object provides a simple way to capture Contact information and correlate these Contacts back to specific projects, Scans or Assets.


Contact objects have an optional field used to store consent given from the user. The consent field provides visibility of contacts subscribing, unsubscribing, and resubscribing to communications by keeping a record of all previous forms of consent along with a timestamp of when they were given. The last object within the consent array is the most recent consent status that has been added.

As a developer, it is your responsibility to enforce any anti-spam legislation in the region(s) that you operate in.

Cell Phone

Contact cell phone numbers must be input using the E. 164 International Standard for Phone Numbers:

[+][country code][area code][local phone number] Example: +16478225146


Delete Contacts By Account Id

Deletes all Contacts in an Openscreen Account. You may pass an optional query parameter of phoneNumber and/or emailAddress which deletes only the contacts containing the specified values.


Returns a list of recently deleted contact objects. Throws an error if the accountId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 const deleteContacts = os.account(accountId).contacts().delete() // Alternatively, you may delete specific phone numbers by: // deleteContacts = os.delete(accountId).contacts.delete({phoneNumber: '6471234567'})
{ "entityType": "delete_contacts_by_account_id.response_body", "accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "contacts": [ { "emailAddress": "", "modified": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "firstName": "Brian", "contactId": "b5b0cf87-6abf-428d-9e6b-7118af3d27ba", "lastName": "Smith", "created": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z" }, { "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+14169414102", "consent": [ { "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "customAttributes": {}, "created": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "modified": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "M5M2W4", "address": "1 Example Crescent North", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "firstName": "Jane", "contactId": "0d530f7b-08e7-4e63-825b-e713f6a0364c", "lastName": "Doe" } ] }

Get Contacts By Account Id

Retrieves Contacts associated to an Openscreen Account.

The number of Contacts retrieved can be modified using the 'limit' field for up to 100 per request. The next batch of Contacts can be retrieved using the 'lastKey' field - a hashed key that points to the last object of the current batch.


Returns a list of Contact objects associated to an Openscreen accountId. Throws an error if the accountId is invalid.

1 const contactsByAccount = await os.account(accountId).contacts().get();
{ "entityType": "get_contacts_by_account_id.response_body", "accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lastKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "numberOfContacts": 2, "contacts": [ { "emailAddress": "", "modified": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "firstName": "Brian", "contactId": "b5b0cf87-6abf-428d-9e6b-7118af3d27ba", "lastName": "Smith", "created": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z" }, { "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+14169414102", "consent": [ { "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "customAttributes": {}, "created": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "modified": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "M5M2W4", "address": "1 Example Crescent North", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "firstName": "Jane", "contactId": "0d530f7b-08e7-4e63-825b-e713f6a0364c", "lastName": "Doe" } ] }

Create Contact By Asset Id

Creates a new Contact within the given Asset. Contact objects have an optional field used to store consent given from the user. The consent field provides visibility of contacts subscribing, unsubscribing, and resubscribing to communications by keeping a record of all previous forms of consent along with a timestamp of when they were given. The last object within the consent array is the most recent consent status that has been added. Contact cell phone numbers must be input using the E. 164 International Standard for Phone Numbers.

Request Object


Returns a unique contactId once the contact has been created. Throws an error if the projectId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 const contact = await os.asset(assetId).contacts().create({ firstName: "Brian", lastName: "Smith", emailAddress: "", mailingAddress: { address: "123 Street", city: "Toronto", provinceOrState: "ON", country: "Canada", postalOrZip: "A1B2C3" }, consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", consented: true}], cellPhone: "+14162121212", });
{ "entityType": "create_contact_by_asset_id.response_body", "assetId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "contact": { "entityType": "", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5", "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+12892213345", "firstName": "Brian", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Smith", "nickname": "", "mailingAddress": { "entityType": "", "address": "123 Street", "city": "Toronto", "provinceOrState": "ON", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "country": "Canada" }, "consent": [ { "entityType": "", "consented": true, "consentedAt": "2021-06-20T08:03:00.000Z", "url": "" } ] }, "projectContact": { "entityType": "app.project-contact", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" }, "contactPhone": { "entityType": "", "phone": "+12892213345", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" }, "contactEmail": { "entityType": "", "email": "", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" } }

Get Contacts By Asset Id

Retrieves Contacts linked to an Asset. A valid assetId must be supplied in the request.


Returns a list of contact objects linked to an Asset. Throws an error if the assetId is invalid.

1 const contacts = await os.asset(assetId).contacts().get();
{ "entity_type": "get_contacts_by_asset_id.response_body", "asset_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "asset_contacts": [{ "asset_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "contact_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "asset_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "contact_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }] "number_of_contacts": 2, "contacts": [ { "entity_type": "", "email_address": "", "modified": "2021-10-14_t16:23:06.526_z", "mailing_address": { "country": "Canada", "postal_or_zip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "province_or_state": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cell_phone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consented_at": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "true" } "first_name": "Brian", "contact_id": "b5b0cf87-6abf-428d-9e6b-7118af3d27ba", "last_name": "Smith", "created": "2021-10-14_t16:23:06.526_z" }, { "entity_type": "", "email_address": "", "cell_phone": "+14169414102", "consent": [ { "url": "", "consented": "true" } "custom_attributes": {}, "created": "2021-10-25_t10:10:02.954_z", "modified": "2021-10-25_t10:10:02.954_z", "mailing_address": { "country": "Canada", "postal_or_zip": "M5M2M4", "address": "123 Eglinton Avenue", "province_or_state": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "first_name": "Jane", "contact_id": "0d530f7b-08e7-4e63-825b-e713f6a0364c", "last_name": "Doe" } ] }

Delete Contact

Deletes a Contact. A valid contactId must be passed in the request.


Returns the contact object for the deleted contactId. Throws an error if the contactId is invalid.

1 const deleteContact = await;
{ "contact": { "contactId": "4d8784b9-7867-4b18-a090-5f3715e7ad85", "firstName": "Brian", "lastName": "Smith", "emailAddress": "", "mailingAddress": { "address": "123 Street", "city": "Toronto", "provinceOrState": "ON", "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3" }, "consent": { "url": "", "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "consented": "true" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212" } }

Get Contact

Retrieves details of a Contact, including their consent object.


Returns the contact object for the specified contactId. Throws an error if the contactId is invalid.

1 const contact = await;
{ "contact": { "contactId": "4d8784b9-7867-4b18-a090-5f3715e7ad85", "firstName": "Brian", "lastName": "Smith", "emailAddress": "", "mailingAddress": { "address": "123 Street", "city": "Toronto", "provinceOrState": "ON", "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3" }, "consent": { "url": "", "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "consented": "accepted" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212" } }

Get Contact Export By Contact Id

Get Scans By Contact Id

Returns all the scans linked to an Openscreen Contact.


Returns a list of Scan objects linked to an Openscreen Contact. Throws an error if the contactId is invalid.

1 scansByContact = await
{ "entityType": "get_scans_by_contact_id.response_body", "scans": [{ "scanTime": "2021-10-14T15:35:41.115Z", "locationLongitude": "-114.07640", "engineName": "Blink", "locationString": "Calgary, Alberta, Canada", "locationRegionName": "Alberta", "locationCountryName": "Canada", "locationTimeZone": "America/Edmonton", "modified": "2021-10-14T15:35:42.474Z", "deviceModel": "SM-G973W", "deviceType": "mobile", "browserVersion": "15.0", "scanId": "c262c53e-3ec0-4f48-823e-de5539dd85dc", "deviceVendor": "Samsung", "osName": "Android", "locationCityName": "Calgary", "qrCodeId": "b5ca08a8-3ce5-4c33-8fca-605550f078aa", "engineVersion": "90.0.4430.210", "locationPostalCode": "T2R", "entity": "app.scan", "ipAddress": "", "locationRegionCode": "AB", "created": "2021-10-14T15:35:42.474Z", "osVersion": "11", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G973W) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/15.0 Chrome/90.0.4430.210 Mobile Safari/537.36", "locationLatitude": "51.04060", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "browserName": "Samsung Browser", "locationCountryCode": "CA", "assetId": "ef43b29d-55c5-48d4-b70c-80c1c145fe14", "assetName": "123 Main Street" }] }

Update Contact

Updates an existing Contact. This update clears the existing field(s) and updates to the new inputted value(s), with the exception of the consent object. When consent is updated, a new consent object is appended to the consent array. This provides history of every previous consent status.

Request Object


Returns the updated Contact object. Throws an error if the projectId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 const contact = await{ firstName: "Taylor", consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-09-21 09:03:00.0", consented: false}] });
{ "contact": { "emailAddress": "", "modified": "2021-09-21T12:59:34.078Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "true" }, { "consentedAt": "2021-09-21 09:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "false" } ], "firstName": "Taylor", "contactId": "e9618422-c7e6-4e91-a909-d37cd981c888", "lastName": "Smith", "created": "2021-09-21T12:58:15.608Z" } }

Create Contact By Project Id

Creates a new Contact and appends it to a Project. Contacts store information on an individual and can be associated with an Asset. This request also allows you to create an Asset and link the contact to it.

Request Object


Returns a unique contactId once the contact has been created. Throws an error if the projectId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 const contact = await os.project(projectId).contacts().create({ firstName: "Brian", lastName: "Smith", emailAddress: "", mailingAddress: { address: "123 Street", city: "Toronto", provinceOrState: "ON", country: "Canada", postalOrZip: "A1B2C3" }, consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", consented: true}], cellPhone: "+14162121212" });
{ "entityType": "create_contact_by_project_id.response_body", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contact": { "entityType": "", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5", "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+12892213345", "firstName": "Brian", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Smith", "nickname": "", "mailingAddress": { "entityType": "", "address": "123 Street", "city": "Toronto", "provinceOrState": "ON", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "country": "Canada" }, "consent": [ { "entityType": "", "consented": true, "consentedAt": "2021-06-20T08:03:00.000Z", "url": "" } ] }, "projectContact": { "entityType": "app.project-contact", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" }, "contactPhone": { "entityType": "", "phone": "+12892213345", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" }, "contactEmail": { "entityType": "", "email": "", "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "contactId": "c162a031-2d4a-462e-a12f-c4b7e6d870e5" } }

Create Contacts By Project Id

Creates Contacts in bulk which are linked to a Project. These Contacts do not necessarily originate from a QR Code scan. This can be useful when importing existing contacts from a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool or equivalent. This request also allows a user to create a new Asset and a QR Code.

Request Object


Returns a list of contactIds for the newly created Contacts. Throws an error if the projectId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 const contacts = await os.project(projectId).contactsBatch().create({ firstName: "Brian", lastName: "Smith", emailAddress: "", mailingAddress: { address: "123 Street", city: "Toronto", provinceOrState: "ON", country: "Canada", postalOrZip: "A1B2C3" }, consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", consented: true}], cellPhone: "+14162121212", asset: [{ assetId: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", name: "My first Asset", description: "123 Main Street", qrCodes: [{ dynamicRedirectType: "NO_SCAN_ID", intent: "", intentState: { state: 'Pending Ownership' }, intentType: "DYNAMIC_REDIRECT", locatorKeyType: "SHORT_URL" }] }, { firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith", emailAddress: "", mailingAddress: { address: "1234 Baker Street", city: "Toronto", provinceOrState: "ON", country: "Canada", postalOrZip: "X1Y2Z3" }, consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-06-20 08:05:00.0", consented: true}], cellPhone: "+14161234567" } });
{ "entityType": "create_contacts_by_project_id.response_body", "projectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "numberOfContacts": 2, "contacts": ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"] }

Delete Contacts By Project Id

Deletes all contacts associated to an Openscreen Project. You may pass an optional query parameter of phoneNumber and/or emailAddress which deletes only the contacts containing the specified values.


Returns a list of recently deleted contact objects. Throws an error if the accountId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 const deleteContacts = os.account(projectId).contacts().delete() // Alternatively, you may delete specific phone numbers by: // deleteProjectContacts = os.delete(projectId).contacts.delete({phoneNumber: '6471234567'})
{ "entityType": "delete_contacts_by_project_id.response_body", "accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "contacts": [ { "emailAddress": "", "modified": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "firstName": "Brian", "contactId": "b5b0cf87-6abf-428d-9e6b-7118af3d27ba", "lastName": "Smith", "created": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z" }, { "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+14169414102", "consent": [ { "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "customAttributes": {}, "created": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "modified": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "M5M2W4", "address": "1 Example Crescent North", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "firstName": "Jane", "contactId": "0d530f7b-08e7-4e63-825b-e713f6a0364c", "lastName": "Doe" } ] }

Get Contacts By Project Id

Retrieves Contacts in the specified Project. Each Contact contains the timestamp when the consent was captured.

The number of Contacts retrieved can be modified using the 'limit' field for up to 100 per request. The next batch of Contacts can be retrieved using the 'lastKey' field - a hashed key that points to the last object of the current batch.


Returns a list of contact objects linked to a project. Throws an error if the projectId is invalid.

1 const contacts = await os.project(projectId).contacts().get();
{ "projectId": "a76adcf6-002d-40e0-b156-7f2e2d82733b", "numberOfContacts": 2, "contacts": [ { "emailAddress": "", "modified": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3", "address": "123 Street", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "consent": [ { "consentedAt": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "firstName": "Brian", "contactId": "b5b0cf87-6abf-428d-9e6b-7118af3d27ba", "lastName": "Smith", "created": "2021-10-14T16:23:06.526Z" }, { "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+14169414102", "consent": [ { "url": "", "consented": "accepted" } ], "customAttributes": {}, "created": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "modified": "2021-10-25T10:10:02.954Z", "mailingAddress": { "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "M5M2W4", "address": "1 Example Crescent North", "provinceOrState": "ON", "city": "Toronto" }, "firstName": "Jane", "contactId": "0d530f7b-08e7-4e63-825b-e713f6a0364c", "lastName": "Doe" } ] }

Create Contact By Scan Id

Creates a new Contact that is associated to a specific Scan using the scanId.

Request Object


Returns the newly created Contact containing a unique contactId. Throws an error if the scanId is invalid.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 const contactByScanId = await os.scan(scanId).contacts().create({ firstName: "Brian", lastName: "Smith", emailAddress: "", mailingAddress: { address: "123 Street", city: "Toronto", provinceOrState: "ON", country: "Canada", postalOrZip: "A1B2C3" }, consent: [{url: "", consentedAt: "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", consented: true}], cellPhone: "+14162121212", });
{ "entityType": "create_contact_by_scan_id.response_body", "assetId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "asset": { "entityType": "app.asset", "created": "2022-07-05T13:59:46.000Z", "modified": "2022-07-05T16:18:13.000Z", "assetId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "projectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "name": "123 Main Street Sign", "description": "Listing for 123 Main Street", "scanCount": 1, "dynamicQrCodeCount": 1, "staticQrCodeCount": 0, "lastScanId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" }, "contact": { "entityType": "", "created": "2022-07-05T16:18:37.000Z", "contactId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",, "accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+16475554181", "firstName": "Brian", "middleName": "", "lastName": "Smith" "emailAddress": "", "cellPhone": "+14162121212", "nickname": "", "mailingAddress": { "address": "123 Street", "city": "Toronto", "provinceOrState": "ON", "country": "Canada", "postalOrZip": "A1B2C3" }, "consent": [{"url": "", "consented_at": "2021-06-20 08:03:00.0", "consented": true}], "customAttributes": {} }, "projectContact": { "entityType": "app.project_contact", "projectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "contactId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" }, "assetContact": { "entityType": "app.asset_contact", "assetId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "contactId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "" }, "scanContact": { "entityType": "app.scan_contact", "scanId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx", "contactId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" } }